json-rpc-shell: a shell for JSON-RPC 2.0 HTTP requests
Uber’s Multitransport JSON-RPC Client and Server: Transport speeds
Open Chemistry: MoleQueue
haskell json-rpc: clients and servers using JMacro and evented client-server FRP
MageBridge: Bridging Joomla! CMS and Magento w/ JSON-RPC
golang jsonrpc pkg
haskell package: jsonrpc-conduit
“jsonrpc-conduit implements the basic building block of a JSON-RPC 2.0 server.
It provides a Conduit that consumes RPC requests and invokes user-provided functions to handle them. Conversion of values to and from JSON is almost completely automatic thanks to the aeson library.The JSON-RPC conduit is generic with respect to the channel used to exchange data with the client. It can use a network connection or, for example, the standard input / ouput of a process. The latter is demonstrated by the jsonrpc-conduit-demo executable, which can be compiled using the demo flag.” –